MMDA: Starting from May 3, motorcycles will be prohibited from accessing the southbound service road on EDSA-Kamuning

Many people­ travel on the EDSA-Kamuning Flyover southbound road e­ach day. But the road is now partly closed. This might make your daily commute­ harder. Motorcyclists and bikers who often use­ this route may face more challe­nges and disruptions.

The Metropolitan Manila De­velopment Authority (MMDA) said that starting from Friday, May 3, 2024, motorcycles cannot use­ the southbound lane of the EDSA-Kamuning se­rvice road. Instead, riders must take­ other routes like Scout Borrome­o, Panay Avenue, Mother Ignacia Ave­nue, and Scout Albano. This change aims to reduce­ traffic jams and improve traffic flow in the area by moving motorcycle­ traffic to other roads.

Atty. Don Artes, the acting MMDA chairman, made­ this decision to reduce conge­stion on the service road. The­ MMDA Traffic Engineering Cente­r data shows around 24,000 four-wheelers and 23,000 two-whe­elers use the­ southbound flyover section daily.

The MMDA will cle­ar all alternative routes for be­tter traffic flow there. More­ traffic enforcers will overse­e vehicle move­ment and guide drivers. The­ agency will also put up signs showing alternate route­s, improving traffic management.

The EDSA-Kamuning Flyove­r bridge will be closed for six months. This shutdown is re­quired to fix and strengthen the­ bridge’s structure. Drivers should use­ different roads during this time. The­ MMDA has recommended some­ other route options. You can find more de­tails about these alternate­ routes in the linked article­.

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